August 16 Weekly Newsletter


  • Our July market share growth has brought the platform to its YTD best 7th place in FINRA ATS rankings for NMS tier 1 traded shares (
  • Last week, despite total market volumes being at YTD lows, we had our second-best week ever in ASPEN^3 for daily matched shares.
  • Record hit-rates on orders tagged for display through IQX, our free, full-depth, market data feed drove the strength in matching.
  • Our displayed liquidity continues to provide unique value to our subscribers. Last week our displayed orders were priced better than the NBBO more than 35% of the time with savings of approximately 30% of the spread.
  • Please contact the desk for more information on getting IQX. It's available directly or through Exegy, MayStreet, Redline, and ACTIV.

Read the rest of this newsletter here

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